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Why the Time to Embrace an On-Demand Workforce Strategy is Now

What if you could overcome the challenges presented by the Great Resignation and boost your organization's competitive advantage?

The Great Resignation continues to see employees across all industries leave their jobs in record numbers. In parallel, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of freelancers and self-employed vendors. The number of unincorporated workers soared past more than 9.42 million in October 2021, according to the U.S. Labor Department and the St. Louis Federal Reserve.

As more talented workers move toward freelance setups, businesses that aren’t used to incorporating outside experts may find themselves left behind.

This ebook will call out the three major misconceptions about freelancers that hold businesses back and provide the framework to create a high performing blended team of freelancers and full-time employees.

What's in the On-Demand Workforce Strategy e-Book

  • The benefits - beyond cost savings - of adding freelancers to your team 💪

  • Common misconceptions about freelancers 🤔

  • The framework for building a high performance blended team of full-time employees and freelancers 📈😱

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