Essential Components of an Independent Contractor Agreement
Is your contract with your Independent Contractor or Freelancer comprehensive and free from ambiguity?
An Independent Contractor Agreement (otherwise known as a Freelance Contract Agreement) is a legally binding document between the independent contractor and the employer where they agree on the terms of the work and deliverables. Having a fully-executed Independent Contractor Agreement in place can help prevent misunderstandings and bad surprises.
An Independent Contractor Agreement clearly and specifically outlines exactly what the working relationship entails and the end product(s) that are expected from the independent contractor, and it does it in a legally binding manner. This ebook will cover the sections and terms that an independent contractor agreement must include.
What's in the Essential Components of an Independent Contractor Agreement guide
Steps you can take to protect your company and your work 🎉
A breakdown of every element you need in an ICA 🛠
The benefits of using a liquid workforce 🌊